
The Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation (ANADP) II Action Assembly will align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities, including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a set of concrete outcomes for the extended digital preservation community in three areas: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. These specific action outcomes will include an international tools/services registry, a framework for applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation methodologies, a catalogue of education and training opportunities, and quantitative data gathering around digital preservation costs.
November 20, 2013

Alignment Exemplars and Current Opportunities for Collaboration

The Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation (ANADP) II Action Assembly will align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities, including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a … Continue reading Alignment Exemplars and Current Opportunities for Collaboration

Library Publishing Directory 2014
October 1, 2013

Library Publishing Directory, 2014

The Library Publishing Directory provides an annual snapshot of the publishing activities of academic and research libraries, including information about the number and types of publications they produce, the services they offer authors, how they are staffed and funded, and their future plans. In documenting the breadth and depth of activities in this field, this resource aims to articulate … Continue reading Library Publishing Directory, 2014

September 3, 2013

Creating a Framework for Applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation

This paper describes work being done towards a Framework for Applying the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) to Distributed Digital Preservation (DDP). Such a Framework will be helpful for future analyses and/or audits of repositories that are performing digital preservation in highly distributed ways. A great deal of work has already … Continue reading Creating a Framework for Applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation

Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation
June 27, 2013

2013 Society of American Archivists Award for Educopia Publication

Press release from Society of American Archivists June 27, 2013: Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation, edited by Dr. Nancy Y. McGovern (the volume editor) and Dr. Katherine Skinner (the series editor), is the recipient of the Preservation Publication Award given by the Society of American Archivists (SAA). The award will be presented at a … Continue reading 2013 Society of American Archivists Award for Educopia Publication