
OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
January 30, 2018

OSSArcFlow Digital Dossier: Duke University

As part of OssArcFlow – a project to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content – project partners created digital dossiers outlining the form, function, and future of digital curation at their home institutions.

OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
January 30, 2018

OSSArcFlow Digital Dossier: Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center

As part of OssArcFlow – a project to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content – project partners created digital dossiers outlining the form, function, and future of digital curation at their home institutions.

OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
January 30, 2018

OSSArcFlow Digital Dossier: The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library at Emory University

As part of OssArcFlow – a project to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content – project partners created digital dossiers outlining the form, function, and future of digital curation at their home institutions.

OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
January 30, 2018

OSSArcFlow Digital Dossier: Stanford University Libraries

As part of OssArcFlow – a project to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content – project partners created digital dossiers outlining the form, function, and future of digital curation at their home institutions.

December 11, 2017

Digital Preservation Declaration of Shared Values: Call for Community Feedback

The digital preservation landscape is one of a multitude of choices that vary widely in terms of purpose, scale, cost, and complexity. Over the past year a group of collaborating organizations united in the commitment to digital preservation have come together to explore how we can better communicate with each other and assist members of … Continue reading Digital Preservation Declaration of Shared Values: Call for Community Feedback

Library Publishing Directory 2018
December 6, 2017

Library Publishing Directory, 2018

The Library Publishing Directory provides an annual snapshot of the publishing activities of academic and research libraries, including information about the number and types of publications they produce, the services they offer authors, how they are staffed and funded, and their future plans. In documenting the breadth and depth of activities in this field, this resource aims to articulate … Continue reading Library Publishing Directory, 2018

ETDplus: Supporting the Evolution of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)
November 28, 2017

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)plus Virtual Workshops

Training Students to Manage ETDs and Research Outputs The ETD+ Virtual Workshop Series, taught by Dr. Katherine Skinner, is a set of free introductory training resources on crucial data curation and digital longevity techniques. Focusing on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) as a mile-marker in a student’s research trajectory, it provides in-time advice to … Continue reading Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)plus Virtual Workshops

November 16, 2017

Preserving News on the Margins

Why is this particular project needed? Historic preservation efforts (microfilm projects, etc.) have usually focused on mainstream voices – even if the efforts have been focused on smaller communities Many of you may participate in a statewide newspaper digitization project and/or NDNP. We all LOVE and APPRECIATE those projects, but we realize that ALL projects … Continue reading Preserving News on the Margins

November 15, 2017

Nexus LAB: Evaluation Framework and Instrument

About the Evaluation Framework & Instrument The Nexus LAB team, in partnership with TrueBearing Consulting, Educopia Institute, and the Center for Creative Leadership, issued this fully validated, adaptable, and customizable evaluation instrument in 2017. The evaluation instrument is based on rigorously validated leadership competencies documented in the “Layers of Leadership” publication produced by the Nexus … Continue reading Nexus LAB: Evaluation Framework and Instrument

November 6, 2017

OSSArcFlow Project Update

Research Questions How can institutions combine tools to support workflows that meet local institutional needs? How can institutions implement “handoffs” between systems that perform different functions on the same data?

ETDplus: Supporting the Evolution of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)
October 28, 2017

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)plus Guidance Briefs

The ETD+ Guidance Briefs are a set of free introductory training resources on crucial data curation and digital longevity techniques. Focusing on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) as a mile-marker in a student’s research trajectory, the series provides in-time advice to students and faculty about avoiding common digital loss scenarios for the ETD and … Continue reading Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)plus Guidance Briefs

October 24, 2017

Developing a Curriculum to Advance Library-Based Publishing (Project Update)

Project Timeline 2017 Author and revise modules Create course guides and other materials Begin pilot planning 2018 Release course materials Development of web platform 2 in-person and 2 online pilots LIS program integration Assessment and sustainability planning

October 23, 2017

Open Source Software Archival Workflows (OSSArcFlow) with BitCurator, ArchivesSpace, and Archivematica

Project Activities ▪Document workflows for 12 partner institutions ▪Develop tools to facilitate hand-offs ▪Design training modules that will promote use of documentation and scripts ▪Create “Implementation Guide”

Nexus Lab: Layers of Leadership across Libraries, Archives, and Museums. Diagram with six columns about the key qualities needed to lead different groups.
October 15, 2017

Nexus LAB: Layers of Leadership

The “Layers of Leadership,” developed in partnership by Educopia Institute, the Center for Creative Leadership, and more than 35 museum, library, and archives associations and representatives, provides a common lens for understanding high-demand leadership training skills and competencies in these fields. The “Layers of Leadership” documents the key challenge, key leadership tasks, skills necessary to … Continue reading Nexus LAB: Layers of Leadership

October 4, 2017

Community Incubation: Educopia and the STEPS Model

From the Lyrasis website: “The overall goal of the ‘It Takes a Village’ project is to create a report which will document current practices for sustaining open source initiatives, create a sustainability roadmap to provide paths for planning and assessment for new and existing projects, and provide a resource allocation guide for each phase of … Continue reading Community Incubation: Educopia and the STEPS Model

September 29, 2017

Celebrating the origins and growth of

There are few things I’ve accomplished in my career that I’m as proud of as the work I did to help found Today, our roundtable interview about its origins and early growth has been published–it provides a window into so many wonderful things about the publication, its staff and leadership, its mission and vision, … Continue reading Celebrating the origins and growth of

Educopia Institute Annual Report 2016: Spanning Boundaries, Engaging Communities
September 1, 2017

Educopia Institute Annual Report 2016

Our mission is to build communities, connect people, and use collective action to advance the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Our passion is to catalyze new types of action by building relationships between groups who need each other but don’t yet know it. In 2016, Educopia convened libraries, archives, museums, publishers, journalists, technologists, and government … Continue reading Educopia Institute Annual Report 2016

August 22, 2017

Promote Your Collections, Promote Our Collective Histories

We know that our choices as archivists, librarians, and curators matter. The historical record is largely shaped by what we gather, what we provide access to, and whose voices we preserve. In this moment, we want to ignite the power and passion of libraries, archives, and museums to amplify voices that have too often gone … Continue reading Promote Your Collections, Promote Our Collective Histories

August 17, 2017

Preserving News On the Margins: MetaArchive and Digital News Preservation

Newspapers and periodicals authored by and for marginalized communities arguably number among our most important historical collections in libraries and archives today. Researchers have long relied on news sources by and for marginalized groups—from African-American newspapers to labor union publications, from temperance newspapers to refugee periodicals, and from lesbian ‘zines to religious serials—to reveal the … Continue reading Preserving News On the Margins: MetaArchive and Digital News Preservation

Failure as process
August 15, 2017

Failure as process: Interrogating disaster, loss, and recovery in digital preservation

Disaster, loss, and failure preoccupy the minds of many digital preservation professionals and yet, despite the prominence of digital disaster planning guidelines which seem to anticipate failure, there is limited discussion of experience with preservation system or network failures, which are often framed as inevitable in digital preservation. Despite this framing, negative perceptions of failure … Continue reading Failure as process: Interrogating disaster, loss, and recovery in digital preservation