Next Generation Library Publishing. Improving the publishing pathways and services for authors, editors, and readers. Learn more at Logos for Arcadia Fund, California Digital Library, Confederation of Open Access Repositories, Educopia Institute, Longleaf Services, Janeway, and Stratos.
March 16, 2022

Bringing our Code to Life: Announcing NGLP’s Pilot Launch and MVP Software Release

On Thursday, March 10th, the Next Generation Library Publishing project hosted its second Community Forum, presented by principal investigators Katherine Skinner (Educopia), Kristen Ratan (Stratos), Catherine Mitchell (CDL), and NGLP product owner and co-author of the FOREST Framework for for Values-Driven Scholarly Communication, Sarah Lippincott. 

The forum introduced the latest iteration of the FOREST Framework, the values-driven approach that provides the foundation for NGLP’s work in transforming the scholarly publishing landscape.

This Forum also marked the official launch of the NGLP pilots, three test implementations of NGLP’s modular software that bring our code to life and provide an on-ramp for widespread adoption. Our pilot leads–Catherine Mitchell, representing California Digital Library; John Sherer, representing Longleaf Services, and Martin Eve, representing Janeway Systems–gave an overview of their activities and talked about the significance of NGLP for their work. Sarah Lippincott provided an exclusive look at the latest iterations of our two software components, our Web Delivery Platform (WDP) that provides elegant and flexible content display, and our Analytics Dashboard (AD) that generates meaningful visualizations from usage and workflow data.

The pilots will provide models for three manifestations of library publishing: a consortial library publishing solution hosted and maintained in-house; a multi-tenant journal publishing solution hosted and supported by a third party service provider; and a hosted, turnkey, combined journal and institutional repository solution. These three distinct pilots, launching in April 2022, will ensure that our software components are not only fit-for-purpose, but that they can be deployed and operationalized in ways that work for library publishers at different scales and in a range of contexts. 

Attendees and members of the library publishing community are also invited to participate in NGLP in several ways, including:


About the Next Generation Library Publishing project
NGLP aims to transform the scholarly communication landscape by empowering institutions to reclaim research communication as a core activity. Library publishers, along with university and scholar-led presses, provide a crucial counterpoint and potential competitive alternative to commercial publishers. These mission-aligned library publishers need interoperable and flexible tools and values-driven partners to actualize a change in ownership and control of scholarly communication. You can find a lot more information and background about our project on our newly launched website,

Our work is generously funded by Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, and we are deeply grateful for the support of Lisbet, Peter, and Ross Mounce and Christine Ferguson.