Continuing Education
March 1, 2015
Mapping the Landscapes
The Mapping the Landscapes project served to document continuing education and professional development training needs, current offerings, and potential cross-germination opportunities within and across libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs). The project collected, analyzed, and reported on data from more than 2,700 LAM survey respondents about their continuing education needs. It also produced a methodological framework … Continue reading Mapping the Landscapes
October 9, 2014
Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Lifecycle
Increasingly, colleges and universities worldwide are accepting and archiving only electronic versions of their students’ theses and dissertations. While this move from print-based to digital-based theses and dissertations greatly enhances the accessibility and sharing of graduate student research, it also raises grave concerns about the potential ephemerality of these digital resources. How will institutions ensure … Continue reading Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Lifecycle
July 24, 2014
Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) Plus
The ETDplus project (2014-2017) built on the momentum of the earlier “Lifecycle Management of ETDs” project to research and build tools to help manage a growing challenge in ETD programs: the creation and submission of materials beyond the PDF of a electronic thesis or dissertation. Ranging from research data sets to video installations, from websites … Continue reading Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) Plus
September 1, 2009
There have been many efforts over the last two decades to train library leaders through workshops, seminars, institutes, and fellows programs. The outcomes of these training efforts have varied. Studies conducted by CLIR and InfoPeople show that while some of these efforts may be working, they do not yet meet the breadth and depth of … Continue reading Nexus
July 24, 2009
Nexus: Leading Across Boundaries
The Nexus “Leading Across Boundaries” (LAB) initiative, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and hosted by the Educopia Institute, is a federated, national effort involving a wide range of leadership training stakeholders from the archives, museum, and library communities. Together, we document existing practices and needed competencies, build cross-germination tools and strategies, … Continue reading Nexus: Leading Across Boundaries