
Chronicles in Preservation

Documenting how to preserve newspapers, digitized or born-digital, for future readers of the first-draft of history.

The Chronicles in Preservation project aimed to study, document, and model the use of data preparation and distributed digital preservation frameworks to collaboratively preserve digitized and born-digital newspaper collections.

Project Outputs:

  • Guidelines for Digital Newspaper Readiness, published 04 March 2014
    • Guidelines for Digital Newspaper Readiness are an effort to distill preservation-readiness steps into incremental processes that an institution of almost any size or type can deploy to begin maturing its digital newspaper content management practices
  • Chronicles Interoperability Tools, published 30 April 2014
    • Interoperability tools to facilitate the exchange of these newspaper collections between repositories
  • Comparative Analysis of Distributed Digital Preservation Frameworks, published 01 April 2014
    • A Comparative Analysis of the strengths and challenges of three distinct DDP frameworks (MetaArchive-LOCKSS, Chronopolis-iRODS, UNT-CODA)