September 30, 2014
ETD Lifecycle Management Tools Manual
The Manual provides resources and instruction for tools in five major areas of lifecycle curation for ETDs, including:
Virus Checking: Submitted ETD’s may contain viruses that could damage the entire collection if not screened in advance. We provide instructions for using ClamAV.
File Format Identification: Knowledge of the formats used in an ETD can help a program determine whether an ETD submission (particularly supplemental files) adheres to program requirements and what software will be necessary to access the data in the future. We provide instructions for using DROID, FITS, JHOVE2 & the Unix file command.
Preservation Metadata: Actions taken during curation should be recorded in order to track their success and failure. We provide instructions for using the new PREMIS Event Service.
ETD Submission: Submissions systems can range from simple to complex, but at their most basic should allow for simple upload, standardized metadata collection, and facilitate on-going ETD workflows into an institutional repository. We provide instructions for using the new ETD Drop application.
Reference Link Archiving: Reference Rot occurs whenever the original version of a linked bibliographic resource is not available any more – a growing problem given that today’s web-based scholarly communication includes links to an increasingly vast range of online materials, including software, datasets, websites, presentations, blogs, videos, scientific workflows and ontologies. We provide instructions for using the new Hiberlink Zotero plugin.