MetaArchive III
This NDIIPP project provided a two-year support infrastructure for the MetaArchive Cooperative’s transition from a hosted environment at Emory University into an administrative home at the Educopia Institute. This project included the technical transition of the network’s administrative nucleus from Emory University’s server environment into an Educopia-hosted cloud-based server. It also included the movement of central staff into a new staffing environment at the Educopia Institute. Finally, this project enabled the MetaArchive community to create critical documentation describing all major components of the MetaArchive’s distributed digital network model according to the emerging TRAC standard.
- The physical and administrative transitioning of MetaArchive’s infrastructure from Emory University to the Educopia Institute;
- Engendering an international community of collaborative digital preservation practice through hosting the Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation conference and publishing the associated, award-winning book;
- Core documentation surpassing the emerging TRAC standard for MetaArchive’s technical, administrative, and socio-cultural structures and infrastructure
- An ARL SPEC kit on Digital Preservation
Advisory Board:
- Martin Halbert
- Tyler Walters
- David Seaman
- Greg Crane
- Rachael Bower
- Gail McMillan
- Aaron Trehub
- Dwayne Buttler
Project Partners:
- Emory University
- University of North Texas
- Folger Shakespeare Library
- Auburn University
- University of Louisville
- Georgia Tech
- Virginia Tech
- Florida State University