National Agenda for Continuing Education and Professional Development Across Libraries, Archives, and Museums
July 6, 2016

National Agenda for Continuing Education and Professional Development Across Libraries, Archives, and Museums

This National Agenda for Continuing Education and Professional Development across Libraries, Archives, and Museums provides a broad planning and evaluation framework for the systemic strengthening of continuing education and professional development (CE/PD) across the landscape of funders, professional associations, program administrators, and trainers involved.

This document synthesizes three years of planning efforts convened by the Coalition to Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries and Museums, an effort supported by grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, supplemental funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and project administration from OCLC. It includes the contributions of dozens of leaders from across the library, archives, and museum (LAM) fields, representing professional associations, training providers, and other LAM serving entities. Using Collective Impact methodology facilitated by the Educopia Institute, stakeholders identified four change goals to transform the current state of CE/PD. This agenda is a strategic action plan to meet these goals, which distributed actors can use to align and together improve the vitality of continuing education across all fields.