Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) (subcontract)
Raising awareness for the preservation of government information
Librarians, technologists, and other information professionals from the University of North Texas, the Educopia Institute, Arizona State University, the University of Missouri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Yale University, Stanford University, and the Center for Research Libraries, are undertaking a project to address national concerns regarding the preservation of electronic government information (PEGI) by cultural memory organizations for long term use by the public. The PEGI project has been informed by a series of meetings between university librarians, information professionals, and representatives of federal agencies, including the Government Publishing Office and the National Archives and Records Administration. The focus of the PEGI proposal is at-risk government digital information of long term historical significance.
Educopia’s role in the project is to help plan and implement a series of meetings, including small meetings hosted adjacent to six conferences and a national forum to be held in December 2018. Educopia is also the lead facilitator for the national forum.
To learn more about the PEGI project, visit the official project website: https://www.pegiproject.org/
Project Outputs:
- Environmental Scan of Government Information and Data Preservation Efforts and Challenges, published December 2018
- A series of six forums hosted in conjunction with major events in the library, archives, history, museum, and other related fields
- A national forum (December 2018) to convene diverse stakeholders to scope a national agenda for future work
- PEGI Project National Forum Summary and Report (published May 2019)
- Toward a Shared Agenda: Report on PEGI Project Activities for 2017-2019 (published November 2019)
Steering Committee:
- Dr. Martin Halbert
- Roberta Sittel
- Marie Concannon
- James Jacobs
- Lynda Kellam
- Shari Laster
- Scott Matheson
- Bernie Reilly
- Marie Waltz
Project Partners:
- University of North Texas
- Arizona State University
- University of Missouri
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Yale University
- Stanford University
- Center for Research Libraries