Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training. Developing a shared vision for expanding and supporting digital curation and preservation training.


Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training

The Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training project engaged in multi-stakeholder scenario planning and developed a shared vision for expanding and supporting digital curation and preservation training. The project contributed to the continued growth of the National Digital Platform by strengthening and improving the sustainability of digital curation training resources available to librarians, archivists, and curators. Three reports were produced; the first provided an overview and environmental scan of current continuing education resources; the second documented key aspects of and different approaches to CE sustainability; the third served as an edited compilation of the initial reports.

The compiled report recommendation how stakeholders can take concrete steps to enable open resources developed in grant-funded projects to move into broader use across the fields. Additionally, the project has increased and promoted communication between training programs and hosts. The project has helped to move the emphasis on training from the individual programmatic level to the system level, seeking to ensure that the investments made in developing curriculum reach the broadest possible audience and have the greatest possible impact.

Project Outputs:

The report above contains edited versions of the two earlier reports below:

Project Partners:

  • Dr. Kimberly Christen, Washington State University, Sustainable Heritage Network (SHN)
  • George Coulbourne, Independent Consultant (formerly the head of DPOE and NDSR at the Library of Congress)
  • Martin Halbert, Coalition to Advance Learning in Libraries, Archives, and Museums
  • Cal Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science (DigCCurr)
  • Nancy McGovern and Kari Smith, MIT, Digital Preservation Management Workshop (DPM)
  • Mary Molinaro, Digital Preservation Network (Digital Preservation Workflow Curriculum)
  • Annie Peterson, LYRASIS
  • Amy Rudersdorf, AVP
  • Jaime Schumacher, Northern Illinois University (Digital POWRR)
  • Sharon Streams, OCLC WebJunction
  • Ann Marie Willer, Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

Project Team:

  • Anne Ackerson, Project Consultant
  • Sam Meister, Lead PI
  • Katherine Skinner, Co-PI