
Red floppy disk on white background with text that reads: "BitCuratorEdu. Advancing the adoption of digital forensics tools and methods in libraries and archives through professional education efforts." Logo for Educopia Institute and Institute of Museum and Library Services.
October 27, 2021

What are the Barriers to Teaching Digital Forensics?

To state the obvious, today’s creation and dissemination of knowledge is overwhelmingly digital. Most library, museum, and archives acquisitions now include (and some are even dominated by) digital content in a wide variety of containers and formats. Information managers are charged with managing and stewarding these cultural, historical, and scientific records for current and future … Continue reading What are the Barriers to Teaching Digital Forensics?

Red floppy disk on white background with text that reads: "BitCuratorEdu. Advancing the adoption of digital forensics tools and methods in libraries and archives through professional education efforts." Logo for Educopia Institute and Institute of Museum and Library Services.
July 24, 2018


Quick Links to Project Deliverables: BitCurator Guide for Educators BitCuratorEdu Learning Objects What are the Barriers to Teaching Digital Forensics? (Blog Post) BitCuratorEdu Educators’ Summit BitCuratorEdu Workshops and Conference Presentations About the Project: The BitCuratorEdu project is a three-year effort funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to study and advance the … Continue reading BitCuratorEdu