
January 12, 2015

The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances

How can we collectively design systems and organizations that will most effectively sustain innovative new varieties of digital scholarship over time? The Chrysalis project undertook a one-year planning effort funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to study this question by researching models for implementing vertically integrated research alliances (VIRAs) designed to sustain digital scholarship. … Continue reading The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances

January 12, 2015

The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances

How can we collectively design systems and organizations that will most effectively sustain innovative new varieties of digital scholarship over time? The Chrysalis project undertook a one-year planning effort funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to study this question by researching models for implementing vertically integrated research alliances (VIRAs) designed to sustain digital scholarship. … Continue reading The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances

January 9, 2015

Chrysalis: Moving Forward Collectively

After summarizing critical systemic issues within scholarly communications, this white paper explores the translation and applicability of the established Collective Impact model to foster change towards digital scholarship sustainability. A rationale and process for using the Collective Impact model within scholarly communications is followed by observations from an initial pilot event held with stakeholder representatives. … Continue reading Chrysalis: Moving Forward Collectively

January 9, 2015

Vertically Integrated Research Alliances: A Chrysalis for Digital Research

This white paper summarizes the findings from a one-year planning project that explored the Vertically Integrated Research Alliance (VIRA) model viability within three specific humanities domains. The VIRA model is defined, and the results from stakeholder focus groups are noted.