
Introducing Educopia's new Vision and Mission Statements
April 4, 2024

We have a Vision, and a Mission to lead us there

Since October 2022, Educopia has realized a Shared Leadership Model, refined an iterative organizational development practice, and introduced tactics to continuously strengthen our relational framework, i.e., our ways of working in community. Today, we’re unveiling our new Vision and Mission statements.

A cross-section of a tree trunk, with tree rings clearly displayed. The title above the image states Reflections in Transition, Planting the Seed for Renewal. Individual tree rings are labelled with the following text: 18 years of growth, maintenance and resourcing, integrating emergent learnings, and in quotes, where does it hurt.
March 28, 2024

Reflections in Transition: Planting the Seeds for Renewal

Educopia is 18 years old—a milestone year. At this milestone, we’re taking a moment to pause in our journey and survey our landscape and the results of the seeds we have planted, i.e., the communities, initiatives, and opportunities that we have nurtured and stewarded. We have contributed to transformational, systems-level change in the knowledge landscape … Continue reading Reflections in Transition: Planting the Seeds for Renewal