Blog Billboard

Next Generation Library Publishing. Improving the publishing pathways and services for authors, editors, and readers. Learn more at Logos for Arcadia Fund, California Digital Library, Confederation of Open Access Repositories, Educopia Institute, Longleaf Services, LYRASIS, and Stratos.
August 26, 2020

NGLP “Values and Principles Framework and Assessment Checklist” Released for Public Comment

The Next Generation Library Publishing project (NGLP) invites community feedback on the draft release of the Values and Principles Framework and Assessment Checklist tools we have produced to assess and incentivize stronger alignment between publishing tools, services, and platforms and the scholarly communities and publics they ultimately serve. Pending public feedback, we plan to refine … Continue reading NGLP “Values and Principles Framework and Assessment Checklist” Released for Public Comment

Making Community Spaces Safer
July 15, 2020

Making Community Spaces Safer: On Being Community-Driven

Over the course of 2020-2021, members of the Educopia staff will be contributing blog posts to the “Making Community Spaces Safer” series. Each post will explore one of our organizational values and describe our efforts to live into that value, including our successes, our failures, and the hard-won lessons that occur in between. We will announce … Continue reading Making Community Spaces Safer: On Being Community-Driven

OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
June 25, 2020

Educopia Releases “OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows” and Three Video Learning Modules

Educopia Institute is delighted to announce the release of the OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows. The Guide aims to make the daunting task of selecting, implementing, and refining born-digital archiving workflows more achievable. It was authored by Alexandra Chassanoff and Colin Post as part of the OSSArcFlow project, which was led by Educopia … Continue reading Educopia Releases “OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows” and Three Video Learning Modules

Educopia CO icon
June 1, 2020

Black Lives Matter: Educopia Institute’s Response to Ongoing Racial Violence

Educopia Institute declares our unequivocal opposition to the racial violence that shapes the lives of Black people and our unwavering support for protests against police brutality and state-sanctioned violence, surveillance, and terror. We uphold our commitment  to creating community spaces that are anti-racist and using our work and skills to advance social justice and dismantle … Continue reading Black Lives Matter: Educopia Institute’s Response to Ongoing Racial Violence

Making Community Spaces Safer
May 14, 2020

Making Community Spaces Safer: On Hiring and Transparency

Over the course of 2020-2021, members of the Educopia staff will be contributing blog posts to the “Making Community Spaces Safer” series. Each post will explore one of our organizational values and describe our efforts to live into that value, including our successes, our failures, and the hard-won lessons that occur in between. We will announce … Continue reading Making Community Spaces Safer: On Hiring and Transparency

Library Publishing Workflows. Investigating and documenting journal publishing workflows in libraries. Educopia Institute. Library Publishing Coalition. Institute for Museum and Library Services.
July 2, 2019

Educopia and LPC awarded IMLS Grant to study journal publishing workflows

We are very excited to report that Educopia Institute, the Library Publishing Coalition, and twelve partner libraries (Atlanta University Center, California Digital Library, Claremont Colleges, Columbia University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Pacific University, University of Alberta, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, University of Redlands, Virginia Tech, and Wayne State University) have received an Institute of … Continue reading Educopia and LPC awarded IMLS Grant to study journal publishing workflows

MetaArchive Cooperative
March 15, 2019

Community Transition

Digital preservation is, by definition, a long-term commitment. Libraries, archives, and museums engaging in this crucial work must actively plan to maintain digital assets through decades, centuries, and millennia. As such, these organizations must both anticipate and welcome change. When the Educopia Institute helped MetaArchive Cooperative to formalize as a membership community and service in … Continue reading Community Transition

Library Publishing Coalition
February 11, 2019

Community Acceleration

The question of when to tackle formal strategic planning is a tricky one for any community. Strategic plans can be powerful instruments for communities that are ready for them, but at some stages of community development, a labor-intensive planning process may sap energy needed elsewhere or stymie playful innovation. We’ve found that strategic planning is … Continue reading Community Acceleration

Making Community Spaces Safer
February 8, 2019

Making Community Spaces Safer…

We deserve a better organization. We deserve a better profession. What happened to me and what happens to so many others cannot be allowed to continue. – April Hathcock “ALAMW: What Happened, and What Should Happen Next” All of us at Educopia have been actively grappling with the recently reported ALA Midwinter 2019 Code of … Continue reading Making Community Spaces Safer…

January 22, 2019

Community Validation

After a community has formed and coalesced around a central set of ideas, the next step on the path to maturity is to test the community’s validity.  In this crucial “validation” stage, communities often need to strike a careful balance between focusing on continued internal development while simultaneously expanding their external networks of support.

Community Culivation - A Field Guide on multi-colored background with Educopia Institute logo.
November 7, 2018

Community Cultivation, Revisited

I actually tried to stand in the way of Educopia’s founding! I’m the first to admit it. A dozen years ago, I was the naysayer. I really didn’t think we could sustain a nonprofit organization centered on the science of community and collaboration. I didn’t lack conviction that our field needed a more rigorous, structured … Continue reading Community Cultivation, Revisited