
LAM Education Needs Assessments: Bridging the Gaps
November 6, 2015

Publication Announcement: LAM Education Needs Assessments: Bridging the Gaps

Authored by Christina Drummond, Tom Clareson, Laurie Gemmill Arp, and Katherine Skinner, LAM Education Needs Assessments: Bridging the Gaps aims to introduce guiding principles and practices for CE/PD needs assessments from beyond the Library, Archives, and Museum (LAM) spheres of reference. A literature review section highlights needs assessment research from other fields (e.g., higher education, nonprofit … Continue reading Publication Announcement: LAM Education Needs Assessments: Bridging the Gaps

BitCurator Consortium
November 2, 2015

What is the BitCurator Consortium?

What is the BCC? The BitCurator Consortium supports digital forensics practices in libraries, archives, and museums in order to help ensure the longevity and reliability of the cultural, scientific, and historical record. Member benefits: Use of the members-only BCC mailing list and help desk Access to the members-only videos and documentation Prioritized requests for BitCurator … Continue reading What is the BitCurator Consortium?

Spanning Our Field Boundaries: Mindfully Managing LAM Collaborations
October 6, 2015

Spanning Our Field Boundaries: Mindfully Managing LAM Collaborations

Museums, archives, and libraries serve as knowledge conduits for their constituent communities. A core focus for each of these three fields is organizing and adeptly connecting users with content, often in service to the public good. This mission alignment positions organizations in these fields to collaborate. Federal funding agencies, such as the Institute of Museum … Continue reading Spanning Our Field Boundaries: Mindfully Managing LAM Collaborations

Library Publishing Directory 2016
October 1, 2015

Library Publishing Directory, 2016

The Library Publishing Directory provides an annual snapshot of the publishing activities of academic and research libraries, including information about the number and types of publications they produce, the services they offer authors, how they are staffed and funded, and their future plans. In documenting the breadth and depth of activities in this field, this resource aims to articulate … Continue reading Library Publishing Directory, 2016

Taking Action in a Critical Moment: From Innovation to Impact
September 6, 2015

Taking Action in a Critical Moment: From Innovation to Impact

In an era characterized by rapid technological change, academic publishers and the many stakeholders who support them have adapted and morphed, shifting our procedures and priorities to meet the challenges of dissemination and stewardship in an increasingly digital world. This article discusses today’s critical moment in academic publishing and its implications for the future. Using … Continue reading Taking Action in a Critical Moment: From Innovation to Impact

July 24, 2015

Coalition to Advance Learning (subcontract)

The Coalition to Advance Learning project brought together associations serving libraries, archives, and museums (regional, national, international, and topical) to work in deliberate coordination across organizational boundaries to devise and strengthen sustainable Continuing Education and Professional Development programs that will transform the LAM workforce in ways that lead to measureable impact on our nation’s communities. … Continue reading Coalition to Advance Learning (subcontract)

June 13, 2015

Software Preservation Network (SPN) (subcontract)

The Software Preservation Network (SPN) was a National Forum grant project led by California Polytechnic State University and University of Texas at Austin which gathered cultural heritage community input and developed a roadmap for actionable steps towards a national software preservation strategy. To achieve this, the project team conducted a needs assessment, partnered with legal … Continue reading Software Preservation Network (SPN) (subcontract)

June 8, 2015

Scanning the Environment: North Carolina Born Digital News Preservation Practices 2015

What little is known about news preservation practices in the United States is alarming. In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s Project for the Excellence in Journalism cited that already “the emerging world of community online news, less than a decade old, can be difficult to access.” A 2012 survey of news librarians conducted by the … Continue reading Scanning the Environment: North Carolina Born Digital News Preservation Practices 2015

March 11, 2015

Resource Released – Getting to the Bottom Line: 20 Cost Questions for Digital Preservation

The MetaArchive Cooperative is pleased to make available a new cost resource to assist institutions with their comparative analyses of various digital preservation solutions, both community-based solutions (e.g., MetaArchive) as well as vendor-based solutions. Getting to the Bottom Line: 20 Cost Questions for Digital Preservation Features and functionality of a solution are important, but those are … Continue reading Resource Released – Getting to the Bottom Line: 20 Cost Questions for Digital Preservation

March 1, 2015

Mapping the Landscapes

The Mapping the Landscapes project served to document continuing education and professional development training needs, current offerings, and potential cross-germination opportunities within and across libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs). The project collected, analyzed, and reported on data from more than 2,700 LAM survey respondents about their continuing education needs. It also produced a methodological framework … Continue reading Mapping the Landscapes

January 28, 2015

ICONC Project Dataset

Within this .zip file are four files pertaining to the ICONC project dataset. An .xls excel workbook holds 13 pivot table report views on individual worksheets, as well the ICONC project’s raw data worksheet. Data report views include: Timeline, Project Lifespans, All State Activity Profiles, State Profile Detail, Activity_Histogram by Type, Activity Listing, Organization Histogram … Continue reading ICONC Project Dataset

Funding Panel: Innovative Funding Models
January 13, 2015

Funding Panel: Innovative Funding Models

Science relies on funding. The models that have controlled scientific research funding for the last half century have brought us where we are today. But do they also contain the seeds of their own destruction? Despite the obvious benefits of rigorous peer review in funding cycles, excessively competitive review processes can encourage counter-productive behaviour by … Continue reading Funding Panel: Innovative Funding Models

January 12, 2015

The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances

How can we collectively design systems and organizations that will most effectively sustain innovative new varieties of digital scholarship over time? The Chrysalis project undertook a one-year planning effort funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to study this question by researching models for implementing vertically integrated research alliances (VIRAs) designed to sustain digital scholarship. … Continue reading The Chrysalis Project White Paper: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances