
Library Publishing Directory 2015
October 6, 2014

Library Publishing Directory, 2015

The Library Publishing Directory provides an annual snapshot of the publishing activities of academic and research libraries, including information about the number and types of publications they produce, the services they offer authors, how they are staffed and funded, and their future plans. In documenting the breadth and depth of activities in this field, this resource aims to articulate … Continue reading Library Publishing Directory, 2015

September 30, 2014

Library Leadership Roadmap

Built on the work of the Recommendations for Action, the 21st Century Library Leadership Logic Model and Library Leadership Roadmap establish the benefits of coordinated action to enrich library leadership training. The Logic Model describes the current state of leadership in libraries and the need for stronger leaders. The Roadmap charts the high-level needs for librarians … Continue reading Library Leadership Roadmap

September 30, 2014

ETD Lifecycle Management Tools Manual

The Manual provides resources and instruction for tools in five major areas of lifecycle curation for ETDs, including: Virus Checking: Submitted ETD’s may contain viruses that could damage the entire collection if not screened in advance. We provide instructions for using ClamAV. File Format Identification: Knowledge of the formats used in an ETD can help a program … Continue reading ETD Lifecycle Management Tools Manual

September 30, 2014

ETD Lifecycle Management Workshop

The Lifecycle Management of Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) Workshop consists of a modular set of Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) licensed materials that are available for ETD programs or professional associations to make use of (and adapt) for educating a wide-range of ETD stakeholders. They can be modified, expanded upon, or scaled back to accommodate … Continue reading ETD Lifecycle Management Workshop

August 24, 2014

Nexus Recommendations for Action

In June 2014, the Nexus project assembled stakeholders in library leadership programs, including library leaders, leadership program consultants, and professional organizations to discuss the necessary steps to catalyze library leadership development. The resulting Recommendations for Actions set forth an ambitious agenda to build a shared leadership development roadmap, shared curriculum and evaluation modules, and a … Continue reading Nexus Recommendations for Action

Lifecycle Management of ETDs Project
July 23, 2014

Lifecycle Management of ETDs Project

Project Objective: To promote best curatorial practices and to increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve ETDs  Project Deliverables: Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs Lifecycle Management Tools Workshop & Educational Materials

June 23, 2014

Leadership Development Impact Assessment

Based on focus groups conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, the Leadership Development Impact Assessment establishes the core challenges faced by leaders in academic, archival, public, and special library sectors. The Impact Assessment also outlines the leadership competencies that are needed to respond to these challenges.

What Are Libraries Doing as Publishers?
June 23, 2014

What Are Libraries Doing as Publishers?

Library publishing is the set of activities led by college and university libraries to support the creation, dissemination, and curation of scholarly, creative, and/or educational works. Generally, library publishing: requires a production process; presents original work not previously made available; and applies a level of certification to the content published, whether through peer review or … Continue reading What Are Libraries Doing as Publishers?

May 2, 2014

Critical Moments: Chance, Choice, and Change in Scholarly Publishing

A recording of the first Vision Session at the NASIG 2014 annual conference.

April 30, 2014

Chronicles Interoperability Tools

The Chronicles project focused on developing strategies, workflows, and tools for ingesting preservation-ready news content. Early in the project, the PI, PM, and Technical Advisor hosted a set of concentrated discussions across the three DDP partners (MetaArchive, UNT Coda, and Chronopolis). In these conversations, we formalized a strategy for accomplishing content exchanges using common tools … Continue reading Chronicles Interoperability Tools

Training the 21st Century Library Leader: A Review of Library Leadership Training, 1998-2013
April 6, 2014

Training the 21st Century Library Leader

Training the 21st Century Library Leader provides an analysis of library leadership training in the U.S. context. It documents the models and features, geographic locations, sectors and audiences, funding and costs, founders and hosts, and evaluation methodologies deployed by more than seventy library leadership training programs during the last 15 years. Training the 21st Century … Continue reading Training the 21st Century Library Leader

April 1, 2014

Comparative Analysis of Distributed Digital Preservation Frameworks

The Chronicles in Preservation project has provided an evaluation of three leading technical approaches in the U.S. context (iRODS at Chronopolis, LOCKSS at MetaArchive, and Coda at University of North Texas Libraries) for institutions that want to preserve their diverse newspaper holdings in Distributed Digital Preservation (DDP) frameworks. Each of these approaches has unique features … Continue reading Comparative Analysis of Distributed Digital Preservation Frameworks

April 1, 2014

Library Leadership Training Program Dataset

Providing the foundation for the Training the 21st Century Library Leader white paper, this dataset documents a spectrum of leadership development offerings that served academic, public, special, and archival libraries between 1998 and 2013. The data codebook and two .tsv data files are made available within this .zip download.

Guidelines for Digital Newspaper Preservation Readiness
March 27, 2014

Guidelines for Digital Newspaper Preservation Readiness

Libraries and other cultural memory organizations curate a substantial body of digital newspaper content. The genesis of these collections is often a series of iterative and cumulative digitization and born-digital acquisitions with idiosyncratic and ad-hoc data storage structures that vary radically in their file types, structures, and metadata. These institutions have limited resources to expend … Continue reading Guidelines for Digital Newspaper Preservation Readiness

Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs
March 6, 2014

Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs

Colleges and universities are steadily transitioning from traditional paper and microfilm to digital formats for the submission and dissemination of graduate theses and dissertations. While this move from print-based to electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) greatly enhances the accessibility and sharing of graduate student research, it also presents significant challenges for the academic libraries that … Continue reading Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs

January 20, 2014

Pilot ICONC Dashboards

The ICONC project created an open data-set revealing the characteristics of U.S.-based digital preservation collaborations from 1994‐2014. Data was populated from publications, websites, grant awards, and surveys of NASCIO and NAGARA members. Ten data attributes were captured for each of the 211 documented collaborative activities; six areas of data attributes were recorded for the 1,274 … Continue reading Pilot ICONC Dashboards