
June 12, 2017

Introduction to the ETDplus Toolkit

The ETD+ Toolkit was designed by Educopia Institute, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, ProQuest, and 12 U.S. research libraries to help the academic community to train students to ensure the longevity and accessibility of their research outputs. Its purpose is to train students to manage their research outputs, including data, software code, … Continue reading Introduction to the ETDplus Toolkit

September 26, 2016

Guidance Briefs: Preserving & Curating ETD Research Data & Complex Digital Objects

These Guidance Briefs have been authored by the ETDplus project team as short (3-4 page) “how-to” oriented briefs that will help ETD/IR programs build and nurture supportive relationships with student researchers. These briefs are open, editable documents that colleges and universities can use to assist their own student researchers in understanding data and content management … Continue reading Guidance Briefs: Preserving & Curating ETD Research Data & Complex Digital Objects

November 12, 2014

ETD Lifecycle Management Tools

The project team developed and documented software tools to be used as micro-services to assist in ETD lifecycle management. Micro-services are single-function services that can be used individually or incorporated into existing repository workflows. The tools were openly licensed for use and modification through the University of North Texas Libraries and were distributed freely in … Continue reading ETD Lifecycle Management Tools

September 30, 2014

ETD Lifecycle Management Workshop

The Lifecycle Management of Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) Workshop consists of a modular set of Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) licensed materials that are available for ETD programs or professional associations to make use of (and adapt) for educating a wide-range of ETD stakeholders. They can be modified, expanded upon, or scaled back to accommodate … Continue reading ETD Lifecycle Management Workshop

September 30, 2014

ETD Lifecycle Management Tools Manual

The Manual provides resources and instruction for tools in five major areas of lifecycle curation for ETDs, including: Virus Checking: Submitted ETD’s may contain viruses that could damage the entire collection if not screened in advance. We provide instructions for using ClamAV. File Format Identification: Knowledge of the formats used in an ETD can help a program … Continue reading ETD Lifecycle Management Tools Manual

ETDplus: Supporting the Evolution of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)
September 11, 2014

Two-Year IMLS Grant Awarded to Study Management of Supplemental Data for ETDs

The Educopia Institute is pleased to announce it has been awarded a two-year National Leadership Grant by the IMLS to study the preservation of supplemental data for ETDs. Joining Educopia on the ETDplus project are a variety of partners from academic libraries and ETD service providers, including: bepress, Carnegie Mellon University, Colorado State University, Indiana … Continue reading Two-Year IMLS Grant Awarded to Study Management of Supplemental Data for ETDs

Lifecycle Management of ETDs Project
July 23, 2014

Lifecycle Management of ETDs Project

Project Objective: To promote best curatorial practices and to increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve ETDs  Project Deliverables: Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs Lifecycle Management Tools Workshop & Educational Materials

Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs
March 6, 2014

Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs

Colleges and universities are steadily transitioning from traditional paper and microfilm to digital formats for the submission and dissemination of graduate theses and dissertations. While this move from print-based to electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) greatly enhances the accessibility and sharing of graduate student research, it also presents significant challenges for the academic libraries that … Continue reading Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs

Preserving Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Findings of the Lifecycle Management for ETDs Project
October 5, 2012

Preserving Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Findings of the Lifecycle Management for ETDs Project

This paper conveys findings from four years of research conducted by the MetaArchive Cooperative, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), and the University of North Texas to investigate and document how academic institutions may best ensure that the electronic theses and dissertations they acquire from students today will be available to future … Continue reading Preserving Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Findings of the Lifecycle Management for ETDs Project

February 24, 2012

The Life Cycle of Electronic Theses and Dissertations

ETD programs today Definitions of lifecycle management ETD lifecycle management challenges Problems of format and ingestion Problems of curatorial process Problems of intellectual property IMLS ETD Lifecycle Management Project

January 29, 2011

Lifecycle Management for Electronic Theses and Dissertations Grant Narrative

The University of North Texas Libraries (lead applicant) together with the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), the Educopia Institute/MetaArchive Cooperative, and the libraries of Virginia Tech, Rice University, Boston College, Indiana State University, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Arizona propose to develop and disseminate guidelines, educational materials and an associated … Continue reading Lifecycle Management for Electronic Theses and Dissertations Grant Narrative