
A Bibliographic Scan of Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure by David W. Lewis
May 18, 2020

A Bibliographic Scan of Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure

This Bibliographic Scan by David W. Lewis provides an extensive literature review and overview of today’s digital scholarly communications ecosystem, including information about 206 tools, services, and systems that are instrumental to the publishing and distribution of the scholarly record. The Bibliographic Scan includes 67 commercial and 139 non-profit scholarly communication organizations, programs, and projects … Continue reading A Bibliographic Scan of Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure

OSSArcFlow: Investigating, Modeling, and Synchronizing a Range of Archival Workflows for Born-Digital Content. As-Is Workflows: In the fall of 2017, the project team worked with partners at each institution to mockup a visual representation of their current workflow activities. Representing a “snapshot in time” these documents show how a diverse group of institutions are using OSS tools in their workflows to curate born-digital content. They also provide an essential starting point for synthesizing and comparing both the gaps and overlaps that currently exist between common OSS tools and environments.
May 18, 2020

OSSArcFlow As-Is Workflows: All Workflows

The Educopia Institute, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science (UNC SILS), LYRASIS, and Artefactual, Inc., launched the Open Source Software Archival Workflow (OSSArcFlow) research project in July 2017. This two year project draws together 12 partner institutions from different cultural heritage sectors to investigate, … Continue reading OSSArcFlow As-Is Workflows: All Workflows

OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.
May 18, 2020

OSSArcFlow Digital Dossier: All Dossiers (Single PDF)

As part of OssArcFlow – a project to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content – project partners created digital dossiers outlining the form, function, and future of digital curation at their home institutions. In this version, you can view all ten digital dossiers in a single PDF.

Making Community Spaces Safer
May 14, 2020

Making Community Spaces Safer: On Hiring and Transparency

Over the course of 2020-2021, members of the Educopia staff will be contributing blog posts to the “Making Community Spaces Safer” series. Each post will explore one of our organizational values and describe our efforts to live into that value, including our successes, our failures, and the hard-won lessons that occur in between. We will announce … Continue reading Making Community Spaces Safer: On Hiring and Transparency

April 27, 2020

MetaArchive is Collaboratively Charting a New Pathway Forward for Distributed Digital Preservation

When Community Cultivation—A Field Guide was published in late 2018, the MetaArchive Cooperative figured prominently as an example of a community entering the Transition Lifecycle Stage of maturation. Indeed, since early 2019 the MetaArchive community has undertaken a series of intensive evaluations of both its organizational model and its technical approaches to distributed digital preservation. … Continue reading MetaArchive is Collaboratively Charting a New Pathway Forward for Distributed Digital Preservation

Educopia CO icon
April 27, 2020

Educopia Research Energizes Communities to Work Together for Mutual Benefit and Maximum Impact

Educopia Research serves as a collaborative hub that energizes communities of players to work together for mutual benefit and maximum impact. Our research activities are designed to support our strong belief that system-wide change can only accomplished with system-wide leadership. We build networks of players across numerous boundaries, helping them to align their work to … Continue reading Educopia Research Energizes Communities to Work Together for Mutual Benefit and Maximum Impact

April 27, 2020

Broadening Energy and Opportunities in the Library Publishing Coalition

The Acceleration Lifecycle Stage is punctuated by rapid increases in a community’s reach, activities, and impact. For the Library Publishing Coalition, opportunities have proliferated across committees, events, and research projects, all of which expanded in 2019 to encompass the community’s broadening energy and capacity.

April 27, 2020

BitCurator Consortium is Fusing Technical Concerns with Broader Field of Born-Digital Archiving

The BitCurator Consortium initially formed in 2014 around an Open Source Software environment that supports the acquisition and initial curation of born-digital collections in libraries, archives, and museums. It has grown into a burgeoning community of practice that fuses these technical concerns with the broader field of born-digital archiving and the institutional and workflow needs … Continue reading BitCurator Consortium is Fusing Technical Concerns with Broader Field of Born-Digital Archiving

Software Preservation Network
April 27, 2020

Building Community and Capacity in the Software Preservation Network

In January 2019, the Software Preservation Network (SPN) launched a two-year seed funded effort to secure SPN as a sustainable, community-owned organization. As part of this process, institutions were asked to invest—not just financially, but also in a series of facilitated community cultivation sessions in which members would make key decisions regarding the form, function, … Continue reading Building Community and Capacity in the Software Preservation Network

Building a stronger, healthier, more equitable information management field begins with the way we care for each other. 2019 Annual Report.
April 17, 2020

Educopia Institute Annual Report 2019

In 2019, we joined forces with more than fifteen emerging and established collaborative efforts, providing each with specialized administrative, governance, and facilitation tools designed to harness the energy and resources of many institutions in a united direction. It was a powerful and resounding “YES” year—one in which we witnessed the impact of our work at the … Continue reading Educopia Institute Annual Report 2019

Next Generation Library Publishing. Improving the publishing pathways and services for authors, editors, and readers. Learn more at Logos for Arcadia Fund, California Digital Library, Confederation of Open Access Repositories, Educopia Institute, Longleaf Services, LYRASIS, and Stratos.
March 31, 2020

Request for Ideas (3/31-5/4)

From CDL/Educopia/Stratos/LYRASIS/COAR/Longleaf Click here to access the survey. We know these are complicated times, and you are enduring challenges in multiple areas.  Many of us are adjusting to new working environments (and office-mates!), and our tools, workflows, and communication methods are being stretched and tested under new constraints.  The NGLP project has funding from Arcadia … Continue reading Request for Ideas (3/31-5/4)

Next Generation Library Publishing. Improving the publishing pathways and services for authors, editors, and readers. Learn more at Logos for Arcadia Fund, California Digital Library, Confederation of Open Access Repositories, Educopia Institute, Longleaf Services, LYRASIS, and Stratos.
March 12, 2020

Encouraging Adherence to Values and Principles in Scholarly Publishing

Through the Next Generation Library Publishing project (2019-2022), Educopia Institute, California Digital Library, and Stratos, in close collaboration with COAR, LYRASIS, and Longleaf Services, seek to improve the publishing pathways and choices available to authors, editors, and readers through strengthening, integrating, and scaling up scholarly publishing infrastructures to support library publishers. In addition to building … Continue reading Encouraging Adherence to Values and Principles in Scholarly Publishing

Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage. Building an international data trust to improve the measurement and analysis of Open Access (OA) books. Logos for University of Michigan Library, Educopia Institute, Book Industry Study Group, University of North Texas
February 20, 2020

Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage

This two-year project acted upon the recommendations documented within the “Exploring Open Access Ebook Usage” white paper published by the Book Industry Study Group in 2019.  The international project team and its advisors developed and tested open infrastructure, policy and governance models to support a diverse, global data trust for usage data on open access … Continue reading Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage

Carolina Digital Library: Exploring a Common Framework. Improving the digital scholarship tools, infrastructure, and support available to faculty and students across the Carolinas.
January 30, 2020

Carolina Digital Library Network

This pilot project is funded by a grant from IMLS to enable small to mid-sized academic libraries in North and South Carolina to explore the possibilities of new digital scholarship services for their researchers.   Technological changes over the past three decades have radically changed the digital scholarship services which libraries can provide to their clientele. … Continue reading Carolina Digital Library Network

Making Community Spaces Safer
January 21, 2020

Making Community Spaces Safer: Articulating and Living Our Values

Over the course of 2020-2021, members of the Educopia staff will be contributing blog posts to the “Making Community Spaces Safer” series. Each post will explore one of our organizational values and describe our efforts to live into that value, including our successes, our failures, and the hard-won lessons that occur in between. We will announce … Continue reading Making Community Spaces Safer: Articulating and Living Our Values

December 16, 2019

Library Publishing Curriculum Virtual Workshops

The Library Publishing Virtual Workshop Series, taught by Dr. Katherine Skinner, is a set of free introductory training resources to empower librarians to meet local demands for launching and/or enhancing scholarly publishing activities. Based on the IMLS-funded “Developing a Curriculum to Advance Library Publishing” curriculum, which was developed by Educopia, in partnership with leaders in … Continue reading Library Publishing Curriculum Virtual Workshops

Pegasus logo with text the reads: Preservation of Electronic Government Information. PEGI Project. Toward a Shared Agenda: Report on PEGI Project Activities
November 14, 2019

Toward a Shared Agenda: Report on PEGI Project Activities for 2017-2019

This report provides a summary of work completed by the Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) project from 2017 to 2019. The PEGI Project seeks to address national concerns regarding the preservation of electronic government information by cultural memory organizations for long term use by the public. A significant part of our efforts in 2018 … Continue reading Toward a Shared Agenda: Report on PEGI Project Activities for 2017-2019

October 18, 2019

Educopia partners with Curtin University-led alliance to increase the impact of university-based research

A new alliance of researchers led by Curtin University in partnership with Educopia Institute will work together to improve the way research is shared, charting new pathways for the future of universities around the world. Fresh strategies to reform the role of universities and build them into information-sharing Open Knowledge Institutions will be developed through … Continue reading Educopia partners with Curtin University-led alliance to increase the impact of university-based research

Nancy Adams
October 15, 2019

Nancy Adams

As Program Assistant for the Library Publishing Coalition, Nancy provides both program and administrative support to the LPC Community Facilitator and to the LPC board. Previously she worked at Boston College Libraries, most recently as Digital Publishing Specialist, and before that she spent many years writing and editing in the corporate world. Nancy holds an … Continue reading Nancy Adams

Photo of Racquel Asante
October 15, 2019

Racquel Asante

Racquel Asante is Co-Executive Director at Educopia Institute, where she is responsible for finance and people operations. Along with Co-Executive Directors Katherine Kim and Jessica Meyerson, she supports Educopia’s commitment to empower collaborative communities to create, share, and preserve knowledge. Racquel worked for Toys Et Cetera in Chicago, IL as Store Manager for 13 years. … Continue reading Racquel Asante