Research Projects

Next Generation Library Publishing: Pilot to Production

Educopia, Open Weave Consulting, Inc., Cast Iron Coding, California Digital Library, Stratos, and Janeway are collaborating on an implementation project to expand digital infrastructure options for library publishing programs that are values-aligned, open source, and community-led. The project’s primary deliverables will include
  • A production-ready, open source display layer (Meru) ...

Wintergreen Women Writers Collective: Sacred Work

Through this project, Wintergreen Women Writers Collective co-founder and JMU faculty member Dr. Joanne Gabbin and JMU Libraries Director of Digital Scholarship and Distinctive Collections Caitlin Birch will develop a viable model to sustain Wintergreen Women as a 35-year-old collective centering the encouragement and support of Black writing and culture, ...

Cita Press: Scaling Small

Through this project, Founder and Design Director Juliana Castro and Editorial Director Jessi Haley will enable the expansion of the Cita Press ( catalog (both content and functionality), pursue joint projects with Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and other partners, and pilot and implement revenue-generating programs to sustain Cita ...

DPSC Planning Project: Sustainable Community-Owned Partnerships in Digital Preservation

Educopia Institute partnered with six members of the Digital Preservation Services Collaborative (APTrust, Chronopolis, CLOCKSS, LYRASIS, MetaArchive, and Texas Digital Library) to articulate the need for values-driven, community-supported distributed digital preservation service options and to propose a service model for collaboration that ensures the authority, sustainability, and viability of these ...
Multi-colored wall with text that readsCommunity Cultivation Field Guide and Resource Library.

Community Cultivation Resource Library

Community Cultivation — A Field Guide Issued by Educopia Institute in November 2018, Community Cultivation — A Field Guide provides a powerful lens that can provide both emerging and established communities with ways to understand, evaluate, and plan their own growth, change, and maturation. The Field Guide is designed for ...
Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage. Building an international data trust to improve the measurement and analysis of Open Access (OA) books. Logos for University of Michigan Library, Educopia Institute, Book Industry Study Group, University of North Texas

Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage

This two-year project acted upon the recommendations documented within the “Exploring Open Access Ebook Usage” white paper published by the Book Industry Study Group in 2019.  The international project team and its advisors developed and tested open infrastructure, policy and governance models to support a diverse, global data trust for ...
Carolina Digital Library: Exploring a Common Framework. Improving the digital scholarship tools, infrastructure, and support available to faculty and students across the Carolinas.

Carolina Digital Library Network

This pilot project is funded by a grant from IMLS to enable small to mid-sized academic libraries in North and South Carolina to explore the possibilities of new digital scholarship services for their researchers.   Technological changes over the past three decades have radically changed the digital scholarship services which libraries ...
Next Generation Library Publishing, Improving publishing pathways and services for authors, editors, and readers. Logos for Arcadia Fund, California Digital Library, COAR, Educopia Institute, Longleaf Services, Janeway, and Stratos

Next Generation Library Publishing

In this project, Educopia, California Digital Library (CDL), and Strategies for Open Science (Stratos), in close partnership with Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), Longleaf Services, and Janeway are working to advance and integrate open source publishing infrastructure to provide robust support for library publishing. Our project goals include:
Mapping the Scholarly Communications Infrastructure. Logos of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Educopia Institute.

Mapping the Scholarly Communication Infrastructure

Mapping Scholarly Communication Infrastructure is an effort to study the current state of digital scholarship infrastructure in the U.S. and to help envision a more modernized and sustainable system that would enhance scholarly communication at colleges, universities, and research libraries across the country. With a grant from The Andrew Mellon ...

Scaling Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI) (subcontract)

The use of born-digital information requires ongoing support of underlying software that supports its application; a dependency that is challenged by the complexity of digital environments and the inherent obsolescence of developing technologies. In response, many organizations are engaged in the collection and preservation of software. However, no single organization ...
Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training. Developing a shared vision for expanding and supporting digital curation and preservation training.

Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training

The Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training project engaged in multi-stakeholder scenario planning and developed a shared vision for expanding and supporting digital curation and preservation training. The project contributed to the continued growth of the National Digital Platform by strengthening and improving the sustainability of digital curation training resources ...

Fostering a Community of Practice: Software Preservation in Libraries and Archives (FCoP) (subcontract)

Through a cohort of six organizations in the United States representing public libraries, university special collections, historical societies and museums, the Fostering a Community of Practice: Software Preservation and Emulation Experts in Libraries and Archives (FCoP) project, led by CalPoly University, aims to broaden participation in software preservation and to ...
Pegasus taking flight. Text reads "Presevation of Electronic Government Information"

Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) (subcontract)

Librarians, technologists, and other information professionals from the University of North Texas, the Educopia Institute, Arizona State University, the University of Missouri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Yale University, Stanford University, and the Center for Research Libraries, are undertaking a project to address national concerns regarding the preservation of ...
OSSArcFlow: Modeling and Synchronizing OSS Workflows. Photo of Disk Imager in black and white.


Quick Links to Project Deliverables
  1. Digital Dossiers (All Partners)
  2. As-Is Workflows (All Partners)
  3. Recorded In-Person Partner Meeting Sessions (YouTube)
  4. Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows
  5. Video Learning Modules (YouTube)

News on the Margins (subcontract)

The voices of marginalized communities, including those defined by such identity markers as skin color, ethnic origin, religious affiliation, sexuality, geography, and social class, are often invisible in mainstream news sources. Understanding the diverse experiences of people in the United States requires us to turn to sources written, produced, and ...

Coalition to Advance Learning (subcontract)

The Coalition to Advance Learning project brought together associations serving libraries, archives, and museums (regional, national, international, and topical) to work in deliberate coordination across organizational boundaries to devise and strengthen sustainable Continuing Education and Professional Development programs that will transform the LAM workforce in ways that lead to measureable ...

Mapping the Landscapes

The Mapping the Landscapes project served to document continuing education and professional development training needs, current offerings, and potential cross-germination opportunities within and across libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs). The project collected, analyzed, and reported on data from more than 2,700 LAM survey respondents about their continuing education needs. It ...

Chronicles in Preservation

The Chronicles in Preservation project aimed to study, document, and model the use of data preparation and distributed digital preservation frameworks to collaboratively preserve digitized and born-digital newspaper collections. Project Outputs:

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Lifecycle

Increasingly, colleges and universities worldwide are accepting and archiving only electronic versions of their students’ theses and dissertations. While this move from print-based to digital-based theses and dissertations greatly enhances the accessibility and sharing of graduate student research, it also raises grave concerns about the potential ephemerality of these digital ...

Chronicles II

The Chronicles II effort will bring representatives from critical stakeholder communities (newspaper publishers, press associations, journalism schools, and memory organizations) into structured conversation and debate to foster better understandings of each group’s perspectives, goals, and barriers to collaborative work for the purpose of preserving born-digital newspaper content. This project produced ...
ETDplus: Supporting the Evolution of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD)

Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) Plus

The ETDplus project (2014-2017) built on the momentum of the earlier "Lifecycle Management of ETDs" project to research and build tools to help manage a growing challenge in ETD programs: the creation and submission of materials beyond the PDF of a electronic thesis or dissertation. Ranging from research data sets ...

Chrysalis: Opportunities for New Types of Research Alliances (subcontract)

The Chrysalis project explored the design and implementation of vertically integrated research alliances (VIRAs) comprising scholars, libraries, and scholarly presses. VIRAs could constitute a chrysalis of sorts for innovative digital research publications. To better understand this model, Educopia Research and the University of North Texas investigated potential revenue streams and ...

Identifying Continuing Opportunities for National Collaboration (ICONC)

The Identifying Continuing Opportunities for National Collaboration (ICONC) project analyzed the design and management of collaborative networks to better understand the criteria that lead to their successes and failures. Using a broad-based evaluation of collaborative models as context, the project reviewed and documented the landscape of digital preservation and digital ...


There have been many efforts over the last two decades to train library leaders through workshops, seminars, institutes, and fellows programs. The outcomes of these training efforts have varied. Studies conducted by CLIR and InfoPeople show that while some of these efforts may be working, they do not yet meet ...

MetaArchive II

The "Cooperative Network and Service Providers" grant enabled the MetaArchive distributed digital preservation network and service framework to formalize and extend its model into an ongoing, sustainable business. The resulting service and community was designed to be the first incubated community of the Educopia Institute, a nonprofit organization founded to ...

MetaArchive III

This NDIIPP project provided a two-year support infrastructure for the MetaArchive Cooperative's transition from a hosted environment at Emory University into an administrative home at the Educopia Institute. This project included the technical transition of the network's administrative nucleus from Emory University's server environment into an Educopia-hosted cloud-based server. It ...

Nexus: Leading Across Boundaries

The Nexus "Leading Across Boundaries" (LAB) initiative, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and hosted by the Educopia Institute, is a federated, national effort involving a wide range of leadership training stakeholders from the archives, museum, and library communities. Together, we document existing practices and needed competencies, ...